
Vitamin A - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Vitamin A is also known as Retinol, and it was discovered during second decade of the 20th century. It is a vitamin that can be dissolved in fat, and it was first noted by Hopkins, who talked about the way rats grew normally and sustainably. McCollum and Davis decided during 1915 that there were certain ingredients in butter, milk and eggs, and the ingredient which was soluble in fat was called “A”. The vitamin itself was discovered by McCollum, and it could heal Xerophthalamia. 

Food Sources of Vitamin A 

The vitamin contains three molecules, which are retinoic acid, retinal and retinal. They can be found through B-Carotene, a molecule which is generally found in animals and plants all around us. We call them Vitamin when they come from animals, and pro-vitamin when it comes from plants. In the animal land, eggs, meat, liver, fish, milk and all milk products are rich in Vitamin A. One of the major sources is fish liver oil; however it is used as a nutritional supplementrather than a true food source. Plants also provide a huge amount of Vitamin A through green vegetables like spinach, and through fruits and vegetables like mango, carrots, pumpkin and other things. Beta Carotene is the most important source among these, and there is no fat or cholesterol in plant products. 

Functions of Vitamin A

We need Vitamin A to help our bones and teeth grow and improve our vision. It is also needed to keep our skin glowing, smooth and supple. We also need it to line the bronchial tubes, the nose, bladder, kidneys, throat, and other parts of our body’s inner structure. It is needed to provide protein synthesis and lower chances of infection. The product also controls the bone cell action and stops urolithiasis. It also keeps up the epithelial tissues, and works against problems like keratinization, metaplasia and hyperplasia.  

Daily Requirement  

You generally need about 5000 IU of Beta Carotene for adult men, and adult women need about 4000 IU of it, while growing children, new mothers and pregnant women need more, about 6000-8000 IU.  
Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin A 
If you do not take Vitamin A, you can suffer from problems like night blindness, or conjunctival xerosis. The conjunctiva in the eye becomes dry and lacks moisture. Your skin becomes rough and thick and infections start appearing on your body parts. The lack of Vitamin A can also induce gallbladder and kidney stones as well as strange bone growths and it can also affect the normal nervous system. It also raises the chances of cancer. 
Over dosage signs of Vitamin A 
However, there are several problems that can happen if you take too much of beta-carotene. People who were heavy smokers suffered when they were given heavy doses of beta carotene, and the chances of them having cancer increased. Having it too much can cause you to lose your hair, feel tired and sick, and you can end up vomiting and your skin can peel off. 

How to Store Vitamin A 

Take the vitamin in small doses and keep it refrigerated for safety measures.

Vitamin B - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Vitamin B-complex

The truth is, there are not one but several members of the Vitamin B family, which were needed by the body. Scientists raised their eyebrows when they saw that these vitamins all fell under the same category, but they were required for different purposes by the body, so that the system would function smoothly and efficiently. Generally the Vitamin B group had a close bond between themselves, and they were together called the B complex, because there were quite a few members there.  

Sources of Vitamin B Complex 

You would generally find the members of the vitamin in different products, like cereals mostly. However, the cereals contain the vitamin in the husk and the outer part of the grain, so when you polish and refine your cereals, you lose the vitamin essential to you. So, if you have white flour, not a lot of vitamins would be there, and whole wheat flower would on the other hand contain a lot of it.  

Benefits of Vitamin B Complex 

Vitamin B complex alludes to generally all the vitamins soluble in water apart from Vitamin C. This means, vitamins like Pantothenic Acid (B5), Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), Riboflavin (B2), Biotine, Thiamine (B1), and Cobalamin (B12) along with folic acid falls under this category. Each of these has their own kind of work to do and own area of expertise for the body. For example, to stabilize the metabolism of the amino acids, Vitamin B6 is needed, while folic acid generally helps divide the cells and induce growth. The body ingests all forms of Vitamin B complex from different sources and they can be derived from separate sources. But there is no hard and fast rule that they are all needed at the same time.  
Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin B Complex 
You would be amazed to note the way the body breaks up carbohydrates and fats into glucose, and protein synthesis, in which Vitamin B is essential. Having this would provide you with a healthy body and glowing skin and hair. You would also feel de-stressed if you have a lot of the vitamin. Lack of the vitamin can induce dandruff and premature wrinkles. We need Vitamin B in all forms, and it can defer from 3 mcg to 18 mg for different groups of vitamins in humans. So if you take them all at the same pace and if you have each of them in the same amount then it might not solve your purpose. B complex supplements are not to be taken in equal measures. Also, if you take huge doses of the vitamin your body might have problems too, and you might end up getting overstressed, and lose energy. So taking them without consulting a doctor is not a good idea. Generally most multivitamin capsules and supplements have B complex as well as other ingredients. However, you should be careful about taking too much, because they are soluble in urine, and so can induce toxins in your body. They can also react with drugs and create problem in your body. Your safest bet would be to not take supplements and rather have foodstuff which can synthesize the standard flow of bacteria in your body and boost your immunity.

Vitamin B1 - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Thiamine

Thiamine is a vitamin that can dissolve itself in water, and prevents a disease called beri beri, which was a problem that used to occur for years in the Pacific and East. It was ultimately found out to be a disease that happened due to deficiency of the body, and in 1890 the first breakthrough was made wen Dr Ejikman realized that birds that ate rice that was refined developed problems like developed polyneuritis. Later the problem was solved when Dr Casimir Funk gave the birds a concentration of the residue left after the polished rice. During 1926, Donath and Jansen finally produced a concentrated form of this vitamin, and Williams created a synthetic form of the vitamin in 1936 with the aid of his cronies.

Sources of Vitamin B1 

You would find Vitamin B1 or Thiamine in cereal husks and germs, different kinds of nuts, green vegetables and pulses, and in the egg yolk and yeast. You would also find it in milk, and so a fair share of the vitamin comes from these sources. The vitamin is absorbed from the small intestine, and it is stored mostly in the body, and about one-fourth of it is released through urine.

Thiamine Losses 

During the milling of rice, thiamine loss occurs in large quantities because of the removal of the husk. Also a large part is lost during the washing and further cooking of rice, thanks to the solubility of the vitamin in water. A lot of vegetables lose thiamine during washing too, and if food products are added to baking soda.

Benefits of Vitamin B1 

Thiamine is needed to raise the blood circulation and produce blood, not to mention enhance the digestion of carbohydrates. It is also needed for neurotic health and to form hydrochloric acid. It also reduces depression and is great for brain development and raises chances of fertility. You need it to grow and induce your mind to expand your memory.
Daily Requirement 
Without this vitamin, the lactic acids in the body refuses to break, and heaps up in your blood and tissues, clogging your pores and induce your body’s problems. The enzyme system also clogs up, so the vitamin is necessary to regulate your body. Protein and fat synthesis lowers, creating problems.
All you need is about 1.8 mg of the product, and if you are pregnant or a lactating mother, or do physical work a lot, then you should have more, with the consultation of the doctor. You might also need more if you are suffering from a physical injury.

Deficiency Signs 

Deficiency of the vitamin can cause Wernick’s encephalopathy and beriberi. Generally you can check out beriberi if your legs develop oedema, and you lose your will to eat and lose energy.  Wernick’s encephalopathy can happen if you suffer from ataxia, polyneuritis, and other such problems.

Toxicity and signs of High Intake 

However, having thiamine too much can induce toxic accumulation in your body. 
Who Need More 
Alcohol lovers should have this more, along with pregnant and lactating mothers. Also women who take pills to control their fertility should have this.

Vitamin B2 - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Riboflavin

Riboflavin or Vitamin B2 is part of the B complex group, and has its own characteristics which make it essential to the entire B group. It was discovered in 1932 by Christian and Warburg, when they isolated a single yellow enzyme from yeast, and it was called riboflavine, and was synthesized finally in 1935. It was a phosphorylated product found in the mucosa of the intestine and the adrenal cortical hormone in the body. This is one of the most stable vitamins against heat; however it is light sensitive, and cannot be kept in solutions which are alkaline by nature. However, the vitamin can stand long cooking procedures and can be canned. This is one vitamin with relatively less problems and it can be of real use to the body.

Sources of Vitamin B2 

Generally you can find riboflavin in all milk products and milk, kidney, green vegetables, meat, and fish. Also you can find them in cereals and pulses in small quantities.

Benefits of Vitamin B2 

The main usage of this vitamin is to maintain the protein synthesis of the body. It puts phosphoric acid in the tissues so that two coenzymes are produced, which are flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN). The body manufactures Riboflavin in the intestines, and most of it is absorbed at that time. However, it cannot sustain the vitamin, so you would constantly need this vitamin in your system. This is also needed for the body to grow. You need it to use the oxygen and different fatty acids, carbohydrates and amino acids in order to create energy. Also, it is used to make red blood corpuscles in the body, and boosts the growth of antibodies, raising immunity. You also can use it to stop the occurrence of cataracts.

Daily requirement 

You generally need about1.5 to 1.8 mgm for an adult. The amount can be calculated according to the overall protein ingestion of the body.
Deficiency Signs 
Ulcers might show up on your lips and your eyes might burn, and your tongue might turn purple. There might be some small sore spots around the corner of your lips. You can also detect it through angular stomatitis, and the vascularisation of the cornea, along with photophobia. Your skin might lose glaze, you might lose hair, and your digestion can become bad.

Symptoms of excessive intake of this vitamin  

If you take this too much your urine might become more yellow than normal, but taking this too much is relatively without any real trouble.

When more is needed  

You might need more if you are drinking quite a bit of alcohol, or taking pills to prevent birth or if you are on antibiotics. Also, if you are doing physical exercise you should consume a lot of food stuff rich in this vitamin. You can also use this copiously when on a diet with limitations, and it is generally recommended by most doctors that you should have it with other B complex vitamins and Vitamin C.

Vitamin B3 - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Niacin, Nicotinic Acid, Niacinamide

For the general metabolic procedure of the body, Niacin is required. It is needed for a healthy skin and the growth of intestine and the nerves. It is also called pyridine-3- carboxylic. This is a necessity for the body, and it is kept inside the body to two main groups, namely N-methyl pyridones and N-methyl-nicotinamide. In 1735, Casal of Spain first talked about pellagra. During 1874-1929, Dr Goldberger and his cronies talked about the way Vitamin B could actually prevent the disease. Smith and Hendrick were the first to discover that Vitamin B has heat labile and factors that stabilize heat and it could also prevent pellagra.

Sources of vitamin B3  

Generally you would find Niacin in cereal husks, vegetables like peas, spinach, beans, tomatoes, and in milk and milk products. You would also find it in fish, yeast, meat, and other things. The body can actually synthesize Niacin from tryptophan, which is available in milk and other products.

Benefits of Niacin  

Niacin is needed for the body to grow and become stronger and aids in most tissue functions and induces oxidation of the body. Fat is formed from carbohydrates with the help of this, and plasma lipid concentration can be reduced through this. Niacin stops problems like pellagra, and can boost up the nervous system of the body. It also creates transient vasodilatation which produces a faster flow of the blood, and it raises the body temperature causing it to flush with red. It also aids the digestive system and helps the food get digested and turned to energy, and create more red blood corpuscles and skin cells. NADP and NAD are two enzymes which aid the creation of energy needed to the body. It reduces the chances of blood cancer, and increases the levels of the enzymes which can repair DNA structure. It also helps heal burns.
Deficiency symptoms of vitamin B3  
If you do not have enough Niacin, you run the chance of getting pellagra, which constitutes of dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia. Also, stomatitis and glossitis are common diseases that happen often. The dermatitis generally happens to the body parts that regularly are exposed to the rays of the sun. Deficiency might also cause irritability, depression and hallucination. Your appetite might suffer greatly, you might lose weight and you can run the chances of getting an ulcer.

Who need more?  

If you are taking antituberculaosis medication, then you need more niacin than most. Also, if you are a woman on oestrogen birth control pills, then you would need more. If you are affected by AIDS or are an alcoholic, hyperthyroid-affected, or suffer from high levels of cholesterol, then Niacin should be had in larger doses.

It is not recommended for  

If you are pregnant, have liver or kidney problems, or are under the age of 12 you should have this with care and caution. You can have about 150 mg of niacin, and not much more. If you eat it in large quantities your liver might get affected.

Daily requirement 

Generally you need about 12-18 mgm if you are an adult man, and a bit lower in quantity if you are an adult woman.

Vitamin B5 - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Pantothenic acid and anti-stress vitamin

It was the year 1901, when vitamin B, better known aspantothenic acid was discovered. The growth of yeast and bios led Williams and his fellow men to isolate the crystalline product and because of its universal distribution factor gave it the name pantothenic. Finally in 1940 it was synthesized by stiller and others. The acid in its free form is viscous yellow oil which is soluble in water and ethyl acetate. It is labile when heated and gets destroyed in acid and alkali. Today it is also known as filtrate factor as it is a water soluble vitamin. 
It has been identified that pantothenic acid has a deep relation with adrenal cortical function. Moreover in recent studies it has been found that pantothenic acid plays a specific role in the biosynthesis of corticosteroids. According to them human blood contains 18 to 35 mg of pantothenic acid per 100ml and it is mostly present in the cells ascoenzyme A. It shows fabulous results when taken with the vitamins of B group family, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitaminE

Benefits of vitamin B5 

The active form of the acid is coenzyme A (co A). It is necessary for various basic reactions of metabolism. It plays a very important role in the biosynthesis of cholesterol, fattyacids, and etc. Vitamin B plays a very important role in the lipid metabolism. Protein bound form contains a lot of vitamin B which is the acyl carrier protein and is essential for the biosynthesis of the fatty acids. It is needed in the synthesis process of hemoglobin. The burning sensation of hands and feet can be relieved by this coenzyme A. And sometimes in alopecia; it prevents premature graying of hair. It also does wonders if taken regularly to fight wrinkles and premature ageing. It is highly involved in the regulation of gene expression and in signal transduction. In addition, it helps in curing many medical disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. 

Deficiency symptoms of vitamin B5 

The deficiency of vitamin B in ones diet can lead to numerous diseases like dermatitis, fatty liver, degeneration of spinal cord, myelin degeneration of peripheral nerves and evolution of thymus. Tissues like gastro-intestinal disturbances, alopecia, cornification of the skin and hypo function of adrenal cortex also gets affected if the deficiency occurs. Moreover, its scarcity in body can also cause retarded growth, failure of reproduction, dermatitis, and hemorrhagic adrenal cortical necrosis. The foremost signs of vitamin B’s deficiency in body can result in fatigue, headaches, and nausea, tingling in the hands, depression, personality changes, frequent infection, abdominal pain, sleep disturbance, numbness, paresthesia, muscle weakness, cramps and cardiac instability. Increased insulin sensitivity, lowered blood cholesterol, decreased serum potassium and failure of adrenocorticotropin to induce eosinopenia are the few biochemical syndromes in the deficiency of the vitamin. 
Sources of vitamin B5 
Everybody should intake at least 10mgm of vitamin B. It is present in liver, kidney, egg-yolk, yeast, milk, peas, wheat bran, etc. It causes digestive disturbances and water retention when consumed more. One should not add soda to the water while cooking vegetables as it destroys its beneficial property. 

Vitamin B6 - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Pyridoxine

Vitamin B6 also known as pyridoxine was identified by scientist Gyorgyi. He revealed that an extract of yeast cured dermatitis in rats whereas other members of b members could not. In 1938 he isolated it from its natural state and found that it is a pyridine derivative. Finally in 1939 it was independently synthesized by Harris, Kuhn and others. 
Pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine are the three kinds of pyridoxine. Its active form is pyridoxal phosphate. It mainly functions as a coenzyme for various chemical reactions related to amino acid and protein metabolism. Pyridoxine looks like white crystal, soluble in water and is stable in heat in both solutions wither acidic or alkaline. 

Benefits of vitamin B6 

Vitamin B6 is very helpful in the synthesis of fats from proteins and carbohydrates. It is involved in the quick transport of amino acids and certain metallic ions across cellmembranes of the central nervous system in the body. Vitamin B6 participates in various metabolism processes like fat, protein and carbohydrate. Pyridoxine balances hormonal changes in women as well as help in building immune system and the growth of new cells. It is useful in processing metabolisms and controlling the mind and behavior.  It not only treats dandruff, eczema and psoriasis but also help kids to overcome their learning powers in studies. It maintains the balance of sodium and potassium and promotes theproduction of red blood cells, nucleic acids RNA and DNA in the body. It prevents the formation of toxic chemical homocysteine which is harmful to the heart muscle. It improves cancer immunity also. 

Deficiency symptoms of vitamin B6

The deficiency symptoms of vitamin B6 are peculiar dermatitis, reduced growth, degeneration of nerves, reproductive failure and hypo chromic microcytic anemia, weakness of muscles and convulsive seizures. Insomnia, irritability, abdominal pain, difficulty in walking, pellagra and beri beri are the diseases which can be cured by synthetic vitamin B6 also. During the deficiency period of this vitamin B6 one develops ridged nails, an inflamed tongue as well as changes in bone structure which is an indication of osteoporosis and arthritis. One may also develop kidney stones in their body. Extreme nervousness, seborrhoiec skin lesions around nose, eyes and mouth, cheilosis, glossitis, mental depression, confusion and irritability in adults are the  symptoms in case of major deficiency. 
Daily requirement  
The daily requirement of vitamin B6 is 0.3mgm in infants, 2mgm in adults and the lactating or pregnant mothers need approximately 2.5mgm per day. Normally it is present sufficiently in ones daily diet. People who take anti depressants, contraceptive or undergo any hormone replacement therapy need it the most. This pyridoxine is taken regularly to maintain adequate amount in the body as it gets readily lost in urine. Mostly body builders who are on high protein diet or take alcohol or are allergic to mug or tartrazine should definitely take more of this vitamin. Excess intake of pyridoxine like 2000 mg per day may result in neurological damage. It also inactivates levodopa that is on medication of Parkinson’s disease. Patients also experience vivid dreams who take some doses at late night.

Vitamin B7 - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Biotin

Biotin, mainly known as a vitamin B7 is one of the most active biological substance. Its significant effect is seen on the growth of yeast and certain bacteria. It also forms a part of various enzyme systems. As it is a member of vitaminB family, it is very nutritious for the human body. Scientist Bateman found that a diet containing high percentage of egg white was toxic to animals. Later, the protein was isolated from egg white and identified that it prevents the absorptionof biotin. In 1942 and 1943, Allison and his co-workers isolated it’s another growth factor and named it biotin as it was very much identical to it. That’s why it is also known as anti-egg-white-injury factor. Vitamin B7 is not only soluble in water and alcohol but is also heat stable and resistant to acids and alkalis. It has sulphur also in it.  

Benefits of biotin 

Biotin acts as a coenzyme for carboxylase enzyme which helps in carbon dioxide formation which further helps in carboxylation reactions such as in urea formation and biosynthesis of pyrimmidines and fatty acids. It is very useful in deamination of threaonine, serine and aspartic acid. It plays an important function in the coenzyme activity related to carbamyl phosphate synthesis and reaction related to it. Moreover, vitamin B7 is considered very well for grooming purpose such as the growth and health of hair. It prevents premature graying of the hair and hair loss. Biotin maintains the good texture of skin and keeps nervous system in a healthy state. It is responsible for the even distribution of color pigment in the body. It is used in the treatment of inborn errors of metabolism. It is involved in putative glucose tolerance-modulating activity, management of brittle fingernails and the uncombable hair syndrome. 

Deficiency symptoms 

Dermatitis especially of extremities, pallor of skin and mucous membranes are the symptoms of deficiency of vitamin B7. It increases ones blood cholesterol. Normally the deficiency does not occur but if one eats raw egg white which contains an anti-vitamin avid in which forms a non-absorbable complex with biotin. The deficiency of vitamin B7 also causes weakness, pains, pins and needles (pricking of the skin), lassitude, and lack of appetite, eczema, dandruff, hair loss and seborrhea. Other symptoms are skin disorders, heart abnormalities, lung infections, anemia, extreme fatigue, confusion, mental depression, and drowsiness. 
Daily requirement  
The daily average requirement of human being is 150-300 micro grams per day. A normal diet contains sufficient amount of biotin in the body. In addition, it is very good for diabetic patient as it improves glucose tolerance and decrease insulin resistance. It influences hepatic glucokinase expression both at the transcriptional and translational levels in cell culture. In recent studies, it is proved that it affects pancreatic islet glucokinase activity and expression and insulin secretion in cultured rat islet cells. In glucose metabolism, glucokinase has a central regulatory role. It has been found that a high dose of biotin maintains brittle fingernails in women and it does causes skin changes also. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are advised not to intake any supplements of vitamin B7 as it can be harmful for them.

Vitamin B9 - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Folic acid, Folate, Folacin and Pteroylglutamic acid

The common name of folic acid is vitamin B9. Mitchell, Snell and Williams named it folic acid because of its isolation from spinach leaf. In 1945 its chemical structure was formed which is known as vitamin M. Folic acid is a chemical group formed of different compounds. Petroglutamic acid (PGA) is the simplest form which contains a pterin derivative residue connected to Para amino-benzoic acid and glutamic acid. It is converted into tetra hydro derivative in the body which after taking up a formyl (-cho) group forms folinic acid and also known as citrovorum factor. Folic acid is a compound yellow in color slightly soluble in water, dilutes alcohol and destroyed by light. In addition, it can be precipitated as barium and lead salt. 

Benefits of folic acid 

It helps in the transfer of formyl and hydroxymethyl groups in different biological systems (e.g. Biosynthesis of purine, synthesis of methyl group of methionin, etc.). It is very much needed for the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acids in the nuclei of the cells. Folinic acid takes part in the formation and maturation of the red cells. If taken withvitamin B12 it helps in the synthesis of nucleic acid. Disturbances in the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and metabolism of the nucleated red cells resulting in megaloblastic and macrocytic anemia are the symptoms of its deficiency in body. It is also used in the treatment of themegaloblastic anemia. Vitamin B9 helps to eliminate homocysteine, a blood toxin known to affect heart muscle and influences cholesterol to deposit in heart muscle. It prevents stroke and heart attack. Weakness in bones leading to fractures is the result of increased homocysteine levels in the body. Vitamin B9 helps in digestion, and the nervous system, and helps in improving mental as well as emotional health. The folic acid is very effective in treating anxiety and depression.

Deficiency symptoms of folic acid 

A poor diet can be a reason for folate deficiency in the body. Pregnant and lactating mothers need it more as that time nutrition requirement in body increases. Its lack can cause megaloblastic anemia especially during pregnancy. Sometimes it results in glossitis, chelosis and gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhea, distension and flatulence. Severe deficiency can even cause infertility or even sterility. It has been also proved that early administration of folic acid antagonists in early pregnancy may produce abortions or congenital malformations. A deficiency of vitamin B9 on an unborn baby may increase the risk of the baby being born with spinal bifida and other serious defects of the nervous system. Fatigue, acne, a sore tongue, cracking at the corners of mouth is its common symptoms. Anemia and later in osteoporosis, as well as cancer of the bowel and cervix, leucopenia and agranulocytosis are diseases which occur if it lacks in body for long term.  
Daily requirement 
On an average a person needs around 5-10mg of folate per day. The good sources of vitamin B9 are liver, kidney, green–leafy vegetables, cauliflower, etc. During growth in young children and pregnancy are the times when it is needed the most.

Vitamin B12 - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Cyanocobalamin and cobolamin

Cyanocobalamin better known as vitamin B12 was discovered by scientist Smith and Parker. In 1948 they isolated thecyanocobalamin from the liver.  After couple of years its complex structure was determined. It was found that it was a complex organo-metallic compound with a cobalt atom. This vitamin works with folate in the synthesis of DNA, so deficiency of either leads to megaloblastosis. Vitamin B12 contains cobalt so it is also known as cobalamin

Benefits of vitamin B12 

Vitamin B12 is necessary in the formation and maturation of red blood cells. Extrinsic factor of castle is the scientific name of vitamin B12. It is because of its property which combines with the intrinsic factor present in the normal gastric juice and is absorbed. In body, it is needed for the rapid synthesis of DNA during cell division. It plays a very important role in tissues where cells are dividing rapidly, particularly the bone marrow tissues responsible for red blood cell formation. In bone–marrow, vitamin B12 increases the white cell count and the platelets through its action.  
Vitamin B12 cures the pernicious as well as neurological manifestations of pernicious anemia e.g. combined degeneration of the spinal cord. Cobalamin influences the formation of lipid from carbohydrate. Even the disease like hyperglycemia can be corrected after the correct administration of vitamin B12. Cobalamin also maintains the integrity of the epithelial cells especially of the mouth and the stomach.  
Moreover, vitamin B12 does a miracle in normal growth of babies and premature babies as it allows the adequate absorption of metabolic products by influencing the intrinsic factor of Castle formed in the gastric mucous membrane. It maintains the functional integrity of the myelinated fibers of the central nervous system and the peripheral nerves. It avoids the fatty infiltration of the liver by favoring formation of methionine and protecting the liver from injury by certain toxic agents. 

Deficiency signs 

In case the deficiency of vitamin B12 occurs in body, one may develop pernicious or macrocytic or megaloblasticanemia and also causes hyperglycemia. Lack of intrinsic factor or defective absorption due to intestinal disease, infection with microorganisms destroys the intestinal tract. In man, mucosal atrophy and inflammation of tongue, mouth etc., degenerative lesions of the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord are some the features of its deficiency. The patient feels pain, tingling and numbness in the extremities and there may be partial paralysis. People who are strict vegetarians or even do not eat any animal products can also develop its lack in their body. 
Daily requirement 
The daily requirement of vitamin B12 is small like a normal adult needs 1mcg; infants or children need about 0.2mcg whereas lactating or pregnant mothers need 1.5mcg. The optimum sources of vitamin B12 are liver, kidney, fish, eggs, milk and cheese. Foods of vegetarian origin are not considered homes for vitamin B12. That’s why, for vegetarians, it is advised that they should eat yeast extracts, vecon vegetable stock, veggie burger mixes, textured vegetable protein, Soya milks, vegetable and sunflower margarines and breakfast cereals.

Orotic acid (vitamin B13)

Vitamin B13 or Orotic Acid is a naturally occurring compound that is derived from distillers which is made up of dried up soluble and plays an important part in the biosynthetic metabolism of pyrimidines. Orotic acid is a partial substitute for the deficiency of vitamin B12.
Orotic acid as mentioned above occurs naturally and is also known as pyrimidine-carboxylic acid and a heterocycliccompound. Orotates are the salts which are carries of minerals in certain diet supplements in order to help increase bioavailability. Lithium orotate is one of the most commonly used supplements.

Which are the sources of this acid?

Root vegetables are a rich source apart from this orotate an organic insoluble salt is formed by the binding of this acid with minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium etc. These minerals are transported into the blood by orotate salts from the digestive system. These minerals are separated in the blood stream.
Vitamin B13 main function is to help metabolic activities offolic acid and vitamin B12. Orotic acid finds its use in the cosmetic industry as it is a cosmetic ingredient and derives medicinal values. It also helps improve the levels of pyrimidine and myocardial purine by stimulating the release of uridine in the blood stream.
This acid also helps improve the tolerance of the heart and is used to treat multiple sclerosis. Magnesium orotate helps reduce chronic myocardial dysfunction and the structural damage to the cardiomyopathy, it also helps improve the tolerance of coronary artery patients and the side effect though minor is it effects people with normal heart functions.
Orotic acid as you know is a chemical and is used as an alternate mode of treatment when a blockage is found in the urea cycle. Excess of orotic acid is found when there is OTC deficiency which leads to hyperammonemia. An important indicator of ammonia metabolism this acid indicates any disorder which can lead to deaths or genetic disorder. It has been noticed that there has been an increase in the level of orotic acid in the excreta when there is a viral infection, dyfunctioning of the liver, high alcohol intake, drug abuse and in some cases there have been gastrointestinal bleedings too.
This acid has shown to effect the foliate metabolism directly and both foliate and orotic acid are required for theDNA synthesis. There has also been a noted effect of vitamins due to the deficiency of this acid as its plays a major role in both the DNA and RNA synthesis. OA is a mediator for the manufacturing of pyrimidine bases of Uralic, thymine and cytosine. All these form nearly half the base for the synthesis of both DNA and RNA.
This acid can be found in various organisms like the small structured yeast to the multi celled humans. It is also responsible for the conversion of Orotic acid to Uridine. This is done by attaching itself to ribose and phosphate group. The molecule thus formed is OMP or orotidine5’-monophosphate which in immediately turned to UMP or uridine 5’-monosphosphate.

Pangamic acid (vitamin B15, dimethylglycine, DMG)

Way back in 1952 Drs. Ernest Kerbs, Sr. and Jr isolated pangamic acid and laetrile from the kernels of apricot and named them vitamin B17.  This is a water soluble acid which is essential for the proper functioning of some of your body's internal organs.
Pangamic acid is known to be absorbed into the body through the small intestine whereby it is transported to the liver via portal circulation. This is further metabolized to monomethylglycine or sarcosine and converted into glycine. This glycine is known to help lower the level of bloodcholesterol also aid in the synthesis of protein in the body helps neutralize the craving for liquor etc.
The main work of this vitamin is that it helps the normal growth of the human body and helps the brain to function efficiently by producing stress hormones and also helps other adrenal glands to function efficiently for the proper and normal growth of the hair pigments.
Known to have anti-allergic properties Pangamic acid has shown its usefulness in treating fatigue which is due to asthma, rheumatism etc. Apart from this it has been used to treat various other ailments like autism, brain damage, mental illness, aging, Alzheimer's Diseases, stress, traumas etc which are due to excessive alcohol consumption and other addictions et.
Panagamic acid is also known to help healing process through the supply of oxygen in the blood by improving the blood circulation thus helping carry all the required nutrientsto the various parts of the body. It also helps supply oxygen to the heart and other body muscles. Associated with Vitamin B17 panagamic acid helps release cyanide and helps destroy the cancerous cell which at the same time helps nourish the normal healthy cell growth.
An anti-oxidant Vitamin B15 has the ability to protect you against urban air pollutants, helps extend the life of the body cells, helps increase as well as stimulate the immune system, helps lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, protects the liver from the damage caused due to consumption of alcohol, helps cure fatigue, assists the proper functioning of the hormones in the body and helps ward off hangovers due to alcohol etc.
It is also known to help the stimulation of the endocrine glands and the nervous system by enhancing the proper functioning of the liver as this helps the body to detoxify the toxins from the body.
RDA is not found in pangamic acid as there is no much information regarding the deficiency of this acid, apart from this there are no health problems related to this deficiency in case of its absence in your regular diet though it has been noted that there is a slight decrease in the functioning of the circulatory system as the oxygen is not efficiently pumped into the body thus jeopardizing the proper functioning of the body organs. In some cases there have been reports of nausea due to the deficiency of this acid. Taking oral supplements twice a day can solve this problem. Brown rice, pumpkin, beef blood, sunflower seeds are all rich source of panagamic acid.

Amygdalin (vitamin B17, Laetrile)

Amygdaline also known as Laetrile or Vitamin B17 is a substance that is found naturally in the seeds of certain fruits and nuts. Vitamin B17 is known to release cyanide which is a lethal molecule. The name Vitamin B17 was given to Laetrile in the early 1970's by Kerbs jr., commercially it is extracted from the seeds of the apricot fruit which belong to the same group of prunes and almonds.
As such the body produces cyanide by metabolizing amygdaline which converted to thiocyanate both by the liver and the body muscles. The sugar molecules split up due to the bacteria in the colon with the help of enzyme beta glycosidase which are replaced by the glucuronic acid and forms glucuronic acid which is bound to benzaldehyde which is again bound to the cyanide that is produced in the body.
The two sugar molecules that amygdaline is made up off are benzaldehyde and cyanide radicals or benzaldehyde-cyanide radicals which is often termed as mandelonitrile. The work of Vitamin B17 is to help reduce the pressure of blood and the pain that is generated due to arthritis. It was isolated as an anticancer agent and used to treat cancer.
Laetrile is also an anticancer drug which is used in the treatment of cancer though this is not recommended by the FDA. The most active ingredient that is found in laetrile is cyanide and this helps in destroying the cancer cells present in the body from further spreading to other parts.
Rhodanese or sulfur transferase is an enzyme which is found in the normal body cells helps protect the body against the toxicity caused due to the presence of cyanide, this further adds a sulfur atom to the already free cyanide and this lead to a formation of thiocyanate a harmless substance in the body. As the cancerous cells do not contain significant amount of enzymes they cannot do the conversion.
Vitamin B17 is abundantly found in the seeds of almost all fruits like apple, cherries, oranges, peaches, nectarine, apricot, plums etc and the concentration of this vitamin can be around 2-3%.
Apart from the seeds of apple fruit which has a rich quantity of Vitamin B17 certain beans and grasses likewheat grass also contain vitamin B17 in them. Other sources of Vitamin B17 are millets, Lima beans, bitter almonds etc. Cereal millet and buck wheat are also rich sources of vitamin B17.
Vitamin B17 also finds its sources in macadamia nuts, bamboo shoots, mung beans, butter beans, lima beans, garden peas etc. As mentioned above almost all the fruits contain a certain concentration of vitamin B17 in them.
One other thing of advantage that vitamin B17 has over almost all other vitamins is that its concentration does not get destroyed even in spite of its being cooked. Though eating these fruits and seeds raw helps retain the best effects of vitamin B17. B-blucosidase is also included in vitamin B17 which gets destroyed when it is subjected to heat.

Carnitine (vitamin Bt)

Non essential amino acid which finds its production in the liver, brain and amino acid methionine in the kidney along with lysine. Carnitine goes by the genetic name as there are a number of other compounds which includes L-carnitine,L-propionylcarnitineacetyl-L-carnitineL-acetylcarnitine etc. This is synthesized in the body from methionine or lysine.
Amino acids find its direct use in the helping the metabolic activities of the body and carnitine is the secondary form of this amino acid. The isomer of this is termed as L-carnitine. Carnitine is available in red meat, dairy products and even in breast milk as it is made in the human body also this is so because of the breakdown of the muscle protein which gets converted into carnitine.
This nutrient has the most important function and that is to help transport all the fatty acids in the body to the mitochondria to produce energy. It also plays an important role in transporting a number of substances for metabolic activities that are carried out in the body. Mitochondria are a power house of activities and it is with the help of this that the fats are converted into energy which the body needs to carry out its metabolic activities. Carnitine is produced in the body in the liver as well as kidney’s and stored in the skeletal muscles, brain, sperms and in the heart. It also acts as an antioxidant and plays an important role in protecting the nerves, liver and kidneys from the effect of toxic drugs.
Supplements of L-carnitine have shown to prevent cardiac ischemia and the disease of the peripheral arteries. It has also helped to lower the level of triglyceride and increase the level of HDL cholesterol. It has also helped to prevent disorders of the liver, immune system, the kidney’s and also diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

What are the sources of carnitine?

Carnitine has its origin in animal fats, meat and other dairy products. Red meat especially that procured from lamb and dairy products all contain carnitine. It can also be found in poultry, fishes, fermented soybeans, asparagus, wheat, peanut butter, avocados, etc. cereals, vegetables and fruits are not rich sources of carnitine as it is may contain or may not contain carnitine.
The body also produces carnitine though this is possible only if all the required amount of both the minerals and vitamins are present. Plants are not good sources of carnitine and adults do not require carnitine and it is synthesis from lysine and methionine which is found in the kidneys and liver.

What are the effects due to deficiency of carnitine?

There are basically two types of deficiency i.e. primary and secondary. Both these deficiencies can be overcome by the help of dietary supplements. Deficiency of carnitine is due to the low level of carnitine supply in the blood which prevents the required amount to reach the cells. Secondary disorder leads to the disorder of the metabolism of the mitochondrial working.

Overdose of carnitine

Overdose of carnitine leads to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mild gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal cramps etc. Some rare but significant side effects can lead to increase in the appetite, body odor and development of rashes.

Inositol ( vitamin Bh)

Inositol or vitamin Bh is often referred to as myoinositol. The body utilizes this as a form of nutrient. A sugar related to the group of glucose inositol finds its place as a natural occurring nutrient in the body as it is present in almost all the food stuff the body takes in. C6O6H12 is the chemical formula which was associated with vitamin B. The basic function of inositol is eukaryotic metabolite a major component of phospholipids membranes and another form of inositol is used for the support of the proper circulation of the blood in the body.
Inositol hexaphosphate or phytate is present in almost all cereals, seeds and grains and also in plant fiber; it also finds its place in our regular diet in the form of myo-inositol. Nearly 80% of Inositol hexaphosphate is stored as phosphate which is found in legumes and cereals.

What are the benefits, functions and uses of Vitamin Bh?

The most essential ingredient of the cell membrane inositol helps in the proper functioning of the nerve cells, muscles and the brain. It is also essential for the co-ordination of nerve impulse in the body as it helps the nerves to communicate with each other in the body which is referred to as cell signaling.
They work as neurotransmitters wherein the nerves release chemicals and hormones for cellular action in the body. Inositol along with choline helps in the metabolic activities wherein the fats and cholesterol are burnt in the arteries and liver. It has been found that deficiency of inositol leads to depression.
Inositol is used to treat people suffering from depression, diabetes, liver problems and panic disorder. It also helps in the breakdown of fats in the body thus helping reduce the cholesterol level in the blood and also helps prevent hair loss and thinning of the hair. Inositol also helps protect the body against atherosclerosis and has shown to help reverse the effect of nerve damage due to diabetes.
Myo-Inositol finds it usefulness in treating patients with liver dysfunction, diabetic neuropathy, panic disorders, depression, respiratory tract diseases and it is also used to treat the side effects caused due to lithium. As an anti-depression medication it has also helped calm the central nervous system thus helping relieve problems due to insomnia.
Though inositol deficiency is rare it has been recommended in a few cases and the normal dosage comes in the form of supplements which can be taken in small amounts of around 500mg/day. The dosage is around 12 to 18 grams/day for treating patients with depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and anxiety.
Inositol is readily available in both plants and animals; this includes brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, liver, bananas, brown rice, liver, nuts, vegetables, oat flakes, unrefined molasses, raisins etc. Inositol along with six other phosphates is found in both animal and plant sources and these clubbed together are known as anti-nutrient phytic acid. Phytate a form of inositol is found in plant fiber which has antioxidant properties.
Deficiency of inositol may leads to memory loss, hair loss, increase in the level of cholesterol, hair loss, constipation, eczema, liver ailments, anxiety and panic attacks etc. Increase in the level of cholesterol leads to obesity.

Biotin (vitamin H, vitamin B7)

Vitamin H also known as biotin plays an important role in the biochemistry in the life of human beings. Biotin involves the transfer of carbon dioxide which is essential for the proper maintenance of the metabolic activities of the carbohydrates and fats in the body. A well maintained nutritional diet contains the requisite amount of biotin in it.
Biotin is absorbed by the small intestine. Biotin plays an important role as it is a carrier of carbon dioxide which helps in the metabolic activities for the synthesis of the fattyacids and gluconeogenesis and also the metabolic activities of the amino acids which helps break down the fatty acids into energy to help carry out all the metabolic activities in the body. A well balanced nutritional diet is what doctors recommend as it contains the required amount of biotin in it to help carry out proper metabolic activities in the body.
Sources of biotin: Biotin is produced in the liver, apart from that it is found in egg yolk, legumes and in cereals. A bacterium present in the intestine also produces biotin which is absorbed by the body for its daily metabolic activities.
Normal level of biotin in the body helps not only maintain the metabolic activities of the body but also helps promote the proper functioning of the sweat glands, male gonads, bone marrow, skin, nerve tissues, hair and blood cells. The concentration of biotin is relatively low in the liver, brain and muscle tissues of the body.

What are the benefits of Biotin?

The most important function of biotin is to regulate the proper functioning of the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It functions to generating energy through the synthesis of glucose and amino acids. Vitamin H plays a leading role in controlling the level of glucose i.e. blood sugar in the body as this is the main source or power house of energy.
Supplements of biotin help improve the texture of skin, fingernails, good hair growth etc. Biotin helps control alopecia or partial or complete hair loss in adults and children. Increased dosage of biotin supplements are given to babies suffering from infantile seborrhea, it can also be administered to patients born with abnormalities. It has also helped diabetic patients to control the sugar level in the body.
Type 2 diabetes patients have benefitted with biotin supplements, it has also helped strengthen hair and nails from splitting. Obese people have benefitted by the use of biotin as it has helped them increase the metabolic activities thus helping them lose weight.
The required dosage of biotin supplement that is recommended is anywhere between 30-100mg/day or as recommended by your physician. As such there are no side effects due to an overdose of biotin as this is both water and fat soluble. Excess of biotin in the body is passed out of the body in the form of urine.
It has been noticed that long term effects of anti-seizure medications can lead to deficiency of biotin. Deficiency of biotin leads to fatigue, nausea, muscle cramps and pain, depression, anemia, hair loss etc. Deficiency can also lead to neurological symptoms wherein it leads to lethargy, hallucination, depression etc.

Vitamin C - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Ascorbic Acid

The vitamin C is said to be an ascorbic acid just because of the fact that it is soluble in water. In the year 1753 the captain of the British Navy known as Captain Lind revealed that the disease known as scurvy which is really very common in sailors can be cured by taking little quantity of oranges and lemons in their daily routine. And in the years from 1772 to 1775 the great captain Cook kept all his sailors away from all kind of disease by offering them very fresh food. In the beginning of the twentieth century the scurvy was surprisingly found in the guinea pigs. After the examination it was found that the deficiency of vitamin C led to this situation. In 1928 all the things were isolated by the Szent Gyorgi and were synthesized by the Reichstein in 1933.
Basically it is a white crystal which is soluble in the water and is heat labile. It can easily be oxidized at the temperature above or just at hundred degrees Celsius in the presence of appropriate amount of oxygen. Basically it’s a fact that the salts of copper and alkali metals helps in destruction. Hence cooking then and canning them can deteriorate it for sure. Basically in this process if you opt for slow cooking over the fast cooking then you get closer to danger because of the fact that in this situation the slow cooking is much more destructive than the rapid cooking. the slow cooking is destructive even if it is done at high temperature. As we all know that the ascorbic acid or vitamin C is always absorbed from our small and large intestines and it is stored especially in the adrenals, liver, corpus luteun and pituitary glands.

Sources of vitamin C

The major source of the ascorbic acid or vitamin C is mainly the citrus fruits which are very fresh. The citrus fruits are papaya, orange, pineapple, tomato, lemon etc: also fresh vegetables like lettuce, cabbage, green peppers, cauliflower, beans etc. the pulses which are properly sprouted, grams which are germinating, etc. potato and other seeds are the poor sources of the vitamin C but they are really very rich while germinating. One of the richest sources of the vitamin C is the amla. It is a good source of vitamin C or ascorbic acid both in the dry condition as well as in fresh condition. So add amla in your daily diet in order to get good amount of vitamin C.
Basically the animal sources of the vitamin C are generally really very poor. Meat of goat, fish and cow’s milk generally contains little percentage of ascorbic acid. But as far as the newly born baby are considered or infants are considered their main diet or the only food for them is milk so their diet must be supplemented by a thick orange juice which contains lots of fibers of the orange fruit. This juice will really help the infant to fight the disease like scurvy.

Vitamin D - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Alternative name - Sunshine vitamin, Calciferol

The very important vitamin which is very much required in our body is the vitamin D. it is also known as Calciferol very popularly around the world.
At the end of seventeenth probably in the year 1782 it was stated by the researchers that little consumption of the cod liver oil can cure rickets. In the year 1918 Mellanby a great researcher experimentally produced rickets in the animal in order to confirm this conception that the rickets are due to the deficiency of the vitamin D. then after number of other studies were carried out and at the end they came out with a decision that the synthesis of the vitamin D takes place in the human body in order to cut or eliminate the influence of ultra violet rays which come from the sun light. Thus it was proved that the amount of vitamin D which is synthesized in human body is much more in percentage in the months of summers and very low in the months of winters, autumn and spring.
Basically the vitamin D is divided into groups which are vitamin D2 which is known as Calciferol and the vitamin D3 which is popularly known as cholecalciferol. The vitamin D2 and D3 are very much required in the human body. The vitamin D2 or Calciferol is obtained from extracts of plants whereas the cholecalciferol is one of the naturally occurring vitamin D which is generally found in or obtained from the fish liver or cod liver oil and in fats of animals.

Sources of vitamin D

Vitamin is considered to be one of the unique vitamins because of the fact that it can be fetched from the sunlight as well as from the foods. Actually the vitamin D is synthesized by our body by the action of the ultra violet rays which come from the sunlight on the 7 dehydroxycholestrol which is basically present in the layers of our skin very large amounts. Vitamin D is found in the foods from the animal origin. Egg yolk, liver, cheese and butter and number of species of fish contains very good amount of the vitamin D. the cod liver oil or you can say fish liver oil are one of the richest sources of vitamin D.

Benefits of Vitamin D

Basically vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins required for the proper or healthy development of our bones and cartilage. The chief function of this vitamin is to keep right balance of the concentration of the phosphorus and calcium in the human body. This vitamin is really very important for the calcification process of the body. This process is really very important in the bodies of small children and babies whose bones have to develop or whose bones are developing at comparatively faster rate. It also helps in the development of their teeth. Stronger teeth offer great taste to your tongue. So somehow try to add few products which are good in the content of vitamin D.

Vitamin E - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

Vitamin E is a vitamin which is said to be fat soluble vitamin. Is popularly known as the tocopherol basically the name tocopherol is the scientific name of the vitamin E.
From the year 1922 the deficiency or lack of this very important vitamin is seen in the rats or studied in the body of rats. When the researchers like Bishop and Evans carried out their study they found that the cause of the failure in the reproductive capacity of rats is due to the existence of the very harmful substance X and the absence of the something in their diet. In the year 1936 Emerson and Evans synthesized the vitamin E from the oil of wheat germ which was an unsaponifiable fraction. It was basically the mixture of the three compounds which are closely related. In the beginning of the year of 1955 the fourth compound was also discovered by the researchers and the best thing is that recently researchers have also detected or discovered two more new compounds.
Basically there are about three types of tocopherols or you can say that there are three varieties in which the vitamin Dor tocopherol is available. And those varieties are α, β and Ý. And they all are actually unsaturated alcohols. In all the most active vitamin D type or variety is the tocopherol α. This is because of the fact that they are highly soluble in the fat and number of other fat solvents. They are very stable in heat and they exist naturally as the yellow oil exists. As far as their anti oxidizing action is considered they are one of the most efficient or you can say one of the best antioxidants. They are also known for preventing number of other vitamins in the food from getting deteriorated due to oxidation or oxidative destruction. For example the vitamin A is generally prevented by the tocopherol α in many eatable items which are canned. The esters of the free tocopherol and free tocopherol are voluntarily absorbed from the inner walls of our small intestine. For this process the bile acids are very much necessary.

Sources of vitamin E

The vitamin E is the only vitamin which is widely distributed in the foods. But the richest sources of the vitamin E are the butter, egg yolk, cottonseed, vegetable oils and sunflower seed. Those foods are very rich in vitamin E which is rich in fatty acids which are polyunsaturated. The animal sources which are rich in vitamin E are the egg, fish, milk and muscles. And the vegetable sources of the vitamin E are the especially wheat, corn, leafyvegetable and vegetable seed oils.
Functions which are performed by the vitamin E have been depicted as follows:
The tocopherol has lots of or number of antioxidant effects and they prevent our body from the oxidation which is actually unwanted. So in order to stay healthy start eating or add those food items which are rich in vitamin E.

Vitamin K - Benefits, Deficiency Symptoms And Food Sources

The vitamin K is also one of the fat soluble vitamins and it is also known with the name antihaemorrhagic factor. The person who discovered this vitamin is known as Dam. He discovered this vitamin after carrying out lots of studies on the haemorrhagic disease in number of chickens in the period between 1930 to 1933.
Basically there are two types of the vitamin K which occur naturally. One of them is vitamin K1 which popularly known as phyllouinone or phytonadione and the vitamin K2 which is popularly known as flavinoquinone.
This vitamin is very much soluble in fat and fatty acids. Vitamin K is also stand cooking because it is really very stable with the heat or you can say temperature. Vitamin K1 is basically oil which is popularly known as the viscid oil which is yellow in color, but the vitamin K2 is actually a crystalline solid which is yellow in color. But the limitations with the vitamin K are that it is very easily destroyed by the alkali, light and alcohol. Alcohol should be avoided in order to keep the quantity of the vitamin K intact inside their body which in turn offers them strength to live easily.

Sources of Vitamin K

The vegetable sources which are rich in vitamin K are soyabin, tomato, spinach, cabbage and alfalfa etc. with the help of number of bile salts and juices this vitamin is absorbed from the intestines of human body. Although most of the putrefied plants and animals does not contain good amount of vitamin K but still they have considerable amount which can fulfill your need for the time being.
The vitamin K is the only vitamin present in this world which can also be produced by the synthetic processes or you can say that it can be produced synthetically. Under very normal circumstances intestinal bacteria which are normally present in the intestine synthesize the adequate amount of the vitamin K. it has also been seen that in many people who have high concentration of vitamin A the bacterial synthesis of the vitamin K and it also produces the interference in haemorrhagic and prothrombinaemia manifestations. Human milk does not contain any amount of vitamin K but cow’s milk is one of the best source of vitamin k. Vitamin k is basically stored in the liver. And liver is the most important organ of the body and in order to function properly it needs or requires the vitamin K in a very good or adequate quantity.

Function of vitamin K

It really helps our body in order to maintain the proper formation of the normal prothrombin and the factor VII inside our blood and thus very actively in the normal coagulation. It has been proved that the vitamin K actually acts as one of the prosthetic group to an enzyme called apoenzyme in order to produce holoenzyme. So try to add more food products in your diet which contain good amount of vitamin K in them.

Menaquinone (vitamin K2)

Vitamin K is a plant derivative and is found in the form of phylloquinone while menaquinone or Vitamin K2 is an animal derivative. Both these collective are termed as compounds of Vitamin K and referred to as menaquinones. There are a series of this vitamin K compounds which have unsaturated chains and are easily found in animals as well as in bacteria’s.
A lipid soluble vitamin it is produced in the gastrointestinal tracts by the bacteria’s in the body but it can be synthetically formed. Chicken egg yolk, butter, cow liver, fermented soybean products like natto etc are other sources of this vitamin. Natto is the best source for Vitamin K2. Certain bacteria’s like the micro flora bacteria found in the intestine is known to produce Vitamin K.
As far as dietary contribution is concerned there is far less contribution of this vitamin in comparison to Vitamin K1. Vitamin K can also be found in certain vegetables like broccoli, spinach, sprouts and it has also been found thatleafy vegetables are also a very rich source of this vitamin.
Vitamin K2 is also essential for the carboxylation of glutamate in some proteins as it gives rise to carboxyglutamate. Carboxylation helps the proteins to bind with the calcium in the body to help in the easy clotting of the blood. Caboxylation of glutamate also finds its importance in other proteins where transportation of calcium is involved.
Vitamin K2 has shown its effectiveness compared to Vitamin K1 where osteoclastogenesis or for that matter hypocholesterolemic effects are required to slow down atherosclerotic progression in the body. This is possible due to the geranylgeranyl side chain which is found in K2 which helps bind mevolonate pathway preventing prenylation. This growth factor is essential for osteoclast activation in the same manner as nitrogen is important in bisphosphonates.
Vitamin K2 is the most active biologic form of Vitamin K it has its benefits in the form of retaining and maintaining the good health of the bones in the body. Menadione or Vitamin K2 also finds its usefulness in improving myelodysplastic syndromes or MDS which is a blood disorder. Vitamin K2 helps in preventing fractures and also helps sustain lumbar bone density as it helps maintain the level of bone minerals which can lead to osteoporosis.
Vitamin K2 when combined with calcium and Vitamin D helps in treating problems related to bones and also helps in preventing osteoporosis which is found mostly in women as the level of calcium is less in women especially after pregnancy and during the late thirties and during the menopause period as there are various hormonal changes taking place in the body. Oral supplements have helped prevent Osteoporosis if taken regularly as it has shown a remarkable improvement in the level of calcium in the body.
Vitamin K2 along with its other derivatives have also helped in inducing apoptosis in leukemia thus enhancing the effects of all types of trans retinoic acids in the body. Apart from this deficiency of this leads to epistaxis, hemorrhagic diseases, bleeding of the gastrointestinal muscles, menorrhagia, hematuria etc.

Menadione (vitamin K3)

Vitamin K, K1, K2 and K3 are all class 2 methilo-naphthoquinone groups of derivatives and the vitamins that come under these are phytonadione, phylloquinone, phytonactone, menaquinones and menadione.

What are the benefits of these vitamins?

The benefits are many but the main benefit of vitamin K is that it helps regulate the normal flow of blood and also helps easy clotting of blood, prevents the calcification of the arteries and other soft body tissues apart from this it also helps improve the overall health of the body and reduces the wear and tear of the bone thus reducing the risks of fractures.

What is the minimum dosage and what are the sources of this vitamin?

The dosage is different for male and females so also with infants. For a male the recommended dosage is around 80mg/day while for females its 65mg/day and in case of infants its 5mg/day.
The sources of this vitamin are broccoli, cabbage, cow milk, cauliflower, spinach, soybeans and kale.
Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to bruises, gastrointestinal bleeding, epistaxis, hematuria and menorrhagia. As such there have been no reports of any side effects of an overdose of Vitamin K1.

Multivitamins and their essentiality in life

Vitamins and minerals along with antioxidants and other minerals play an important role in the human life. The combination of these help all the micronutrients to work as one to generate energy and improve the absorptioncapacity of the human body along with the assimilation and distribution to all the vital body organs. All these supplements have a variety of functions to do and help support the body organs.
Vitamin K3 or Menadione
fat soluble vitamin it gets converted into menaquinone. As conversion takes place in the liver it does not come under the naturally occurring vitamin. While its counterparts both vitaminK1 and vitamin K2 are both considered as natural types of vitamin K. Vitamin K3 is a provitamin as it is a synthetic analogue. This is yellowish in color and it is a synthetic crystalline in form and gets converted to an active form of vitamin K2 in the animal body.
Menadione helps produce prothrombin and five factors which help in blood clotting. It also helps in regulating the bone calcification. The most important role of vitamin K3 is it helps in synthesizing hepatic prothrombin.
Deficiency of this vitamin leads to hemorrhages and hypoprothrombinaemia. Overdose leads to brain damage in newborns that can lead to restrictions of movements, seizures, and mental retardation and in some cases it can lead to death.
Vitamin K3 also acts on the capillaries of the endothelia as well as on the fibrinogen, vitamin K3 in thesupplement form is used as a dietary means. The main function of Vitamin K is to help in the normal process of blood clotting as well as it helps in the playing a vital role in the calcification of the bones in the body. Vitamin K3 also helps in activating the reticulohistiocytic system which produces dieresis which stimulates the liver as well as the bone marrow functions.

Anthranilic Acid (vitamin L)

What are vitamins and what role does it play in the human body?

Vitamins are known to play the most important role in the human body as it helps in the proper functioning of all the vital organs of the body. It also helps in the proper functioning of the blood cells and also maintaining the hormonal balance in the body.
Anthracitic acid or vitamin L helps in the biosynthesis of tryptophan. It is the most required vitamin for lactation in females. An alternate of this vitamin is Adenyl-thiomethylpentose. An aromatic amine it occurs as a metabolite of amino acid tryptophan and its usefulness is found as it is used in dye synthesis.
It is an organic compound and derives a formula of C6H4 (NH2) COOH and is white in color in its purest form. The molecular structure is so structured that it has a benzene ring along with a carboxylic acid and amine functional group. A flammable acid with a sweetish taste producing nitrogen oxide fumes when burnt and increases sensitivity on prolonged exposure to both light and air.

What are the uses of this acid?

Used as an intermediate in the production of pigments, saccharin and dyes it is also used for the preparation of perfumes along with its esters especially in jasmine and oranges, a good UV absorber it has its usefulness as an corrosion inhibitors for various metals and as mold inhibitors in some sauces like soya sauces etc. It is also used to generate benzene intermediate as an organic synthesizer.  It is also used as sedative drugs and like Quaalude and Mandrax.
Vitamin L or Anthracitic Acid goes by the name of Ortho-amino benzoic acid and the most required vitamin in the lactation process in human beings. Though it has not been officially a recognized vitamin it has been isolated and has shown its relation to adenosine. This acid is also referred to as LT and is much more complex substance and sometimes included with other vitamins like Vitamin B complex etc.
Vitamins as you know play the role of a catalyst as they combine with the various proteins found in the body to create the much required enzymes which assist the metabolic activities in the body.
Deficiency of vitamins leads to various body ailments and dyfunctioning of the vital body organs. Serious deficiency can lead to not only the damage of the vital body organs but also to death in rare cases.
There are different types of vitamins and each vitamin has its own role to play. Some of the most important vitamins are Vitamin A which is responsible for the proper functioning of the body's immune system. Vitamin B1 and B2 helps generate heat which helps the metabolic activities of the body.
Vitamin B5 helps in the proper functioning of the growth and reproductive organs. Vitamin B6 helps in the proper functioning of the immune system, central nervous system etc. Folic acid helps in the replication of the cells which is useful especially during pregnancy. Vitamin B12, C, D, E, K etc each playing its own share of work and role.

Bioflavonoids (vitamin P)

Vitamin P or bioflavonoid also goes by the name ofbioavailable flavonoids. These are class derivatives which are water soluble plant pigments they also have anti-oxidants, anti-allergenic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-viral properties. These flavonoids have various names like rutin, quercetin, hesperidins etc and apart from these there are many naturally occurring compounds which include oligomeric pro-cyanidins which can be found in wines especially in red wine etc.
Bioflavonoids are basically not true vitamins though they are referred as one for e.g. Vitamin P. Their main function is to help in the absorption of vitamin C and this can be done so only if both of these are taken at the same time. Bioflavonoid is not produced in the human body and thus they need to be supplemented through diet or through diet pills.
As mentioned above bioflavonoid has various useful properties like anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-allergenic and anti-carcinogenic etc. Bioflavonoid like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E all have anti-oxidant properties. These anti-oxidants are known to rid the body of the free radicals and all the toxic by-products due to the chemical reaction in the body where these toxins are produced in the body.
Free radicals enter the body through the exposure of pollution, exercises, smoking and other factors. Bioflavonoid finds their usefulness in Vitamin C as they are known to enhance the absorption of the food stuff. The maximum benefit of bioflavonoid is their usefulness in the breakdown of the food stuff in the body.

What are the benefits of the bioflavonoid?

Bioflavonoid also have other properties like they have anti-bacterial properties, help in enhancing the proper circulation of blood, also help in stimulating the production of bile juice, helps lower the cholesterol level in thebody, helps in the treatment and prevention of cataracts.
Together with vitamin C these bioflavonoid preserve as well as protect the cell structure of the blood vessels. These are effective in treating injuries caused due to sports and also help relieve pain. As pain relievers they help in relieving the pain in the leg, back, neck etc. Apart from this they are useful to stop the prolonged bleeding in the body.
Rutin another bioflavonoid is used to treat various ailments like chronic venous ailments, glaucoma, hemorrhoids, hay fever, problems due to varicose veins, poor blood circulation, stress, oral herpes, cataracts etc.
Anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins are used to treat different kinds of eye problems like cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, night blindness, macular degeneration which is a hereditary condition wherein there is a loss of vision etc.
Hesperidins is useful in treating problems related to menopause and helps in treating respiratory ailments, herpes which is caused due to viruses, helps in treating allergic by blocking histamine from being released in the body.
Quercetin helps in reducing the inflammation due to hay fever, bursitis, allergies, asthma, gout etc. Catechins and tannins help reduce inflammation while Kaempferols helps in the detoxification of the liver and helps in strengthening the blood vessels.
Bioflavonoid are found in green tea, grapefruit seeds, red wine, berries etc. Citrus flavonoids are found in citrus fruits, rutin is found in buckwheat, green tea etc. Anthocyanidins is found in bilberry, naringenin in grapefruit, oligomeric proanthocyanidins in grape seeds and quercetin is available in onions, apples and tea.

Vitamins Chart

Vitamin A is soluble fat solvent which are insoluble in water. They are heat stable in absence of air; they get destroyed on exposure to air or ultraviolet rays. The major sources of vitamin A are cod liver oil, egg, fish, carrot, spinach, vegetable oil, green leaves and yellow fruits like mangoes and tomatoes.
Vitamin A is essential for growth and it’s a component of rhodopsin hence essential for night vision. It helps in preservation of structural integrity and permeability of cell membrane. It maintains health and activity of epithelial tissues and glands. It prevents infection and maintains nutrition and function of nervous tissues. Vitamin A controls bone function and helps in normal fertility and synthesis of stimulating enzymes.
Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness, xeropthalmia, kerotinization of skin and mucous membrane with increased susceptibility of infection. It also retards growth of children and defects the growth of bones and teeth.
It is mainly required up to 5000 i.u. for an adult and 6000-8000 i.u. for growing children and at the time of pregnancy.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is soluble fat solvent but is insoluble in water. They are heat soluble, the richest source of  vitamin D  arecod liver oil, egg, fish, butter, liver etc. It favors calcium and phosphorous absorption in intestine. It helps in bone formation by direct action on bones and development of normal teeth. It activates alkaline phosphate in bones, kidney and intestine.
Vitamin D deficiency causes defect in growth of bones, rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults and tetany in infants. Due its deficiency growth of teeth is defected and leads to several oral problems. A daily intake of 400-500mg is necessary for growing children and during pregnancy.
Vitamin EVitamin E is soluble fat solvent and is heat stable. They exist naturally in yellow food and act as antioxidant and prevent vitamin A from oxidative destruction. There are three forms of tocopherols alpha, beta and gamma of which alpha is most active.
Vitamin E are chiefly present in egg, butter, fish, vegetable seed oil especially wheat, soya bean and corn. It can also be produced synthetically. Tocopherols act as cofactor between the cytoplasm b and c, and have got ant oxidative effect and prevent oxidation.
The deficiency of this vitamin may cause death of fetus after implantation and prevents habitual miscarriage in women. It also helps in increasing metabolic rate and in males its deficiency may cause atrophy of testis and changes in germinal epithelium. An average intake of 15-20 mgm may prove sufficient.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is fat soluble and heat stable mineral. The major sources of this vitamin are cabbage, soya bean, spinach, alfalfa, tomato etc it can also be synthesized. It catalyzes the formation of prothrombin and factor vii in blood and helps in normal coagulation of blood. It acts as a coenzyme responsible for clotting function and plays important role in oxidation of mitochondria. Bile salts are also necessary for the absorption of vitamin K.
Vitamin K deficiency reduces coagulation of blood and cause haemorrhage. The hemorrhagic disease in infant is caused due to deficiency of vitamin K. The normal mixed diet provides the adequate amount.

Vitamins for kids

Whenever a man or women plans to build a house for them and their family the very first thing they carry out is securing all the best materials which he or she can afford. He or she always tries to order the right number of the goods in order to save any kind of wastage of any kind of material. After that he or she begins with building of the house. It is really very interesting to see an experienced man building a house for him and his family.
The same think or matter is applicable to the most wonderful of all the houses that is the human body. Basically we are the builders and every day we select materials for building of our body. These materials are required to be chosen rightly in order to carry out the process of body building very properly. This construction basically begins from the day we step in this world and it continues for our whole life. And in order to live in strong house or strong body we need to select the right materials. So one should not allow anything which is inferior go inside their body. Only the best things should be allowed to go inside the body.
So now question arises in everyone’s mind that what are body buildings materials basically are? Most of the people refer to them as water, minerals, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. These are the only materials which one should have in right and sufficient quantity and also at the right time if they are hoping to stay healthy and strong.
Vitamins by definition are the substances which we need in our body for its normal functioning. Do you think that this rule exclude all the children? The answer is absolutely not. Basically the vitamins are required in our body for the healthy growth; healthy vision, to make connective tissues much stronger and bones too become strong with the good consumption of vitamins. It also helps us to fight against all the infections cancer and number of other disease. The presence of the right amount of vitamin in our body helps us to heal wounds; it also prevents us from bleeding to death and to keep all the teeth strong and very healthy.
Some of the most important chemicals which are required for the building of the right structure of body and right functioning of the organs include number of vitamins. Vitamins are fetched entirely from the food and number of other plants. In order to get good quantity of vitamins we must select those foods which are very good in the vitamin and protein content. Money should not be an issue when it comes over the good diet of your child. This is because of the fact that no one can live long on the unbalanced diet. So one should eat and enjoy the taste of food which is full of vitamins and other materials which are required for the body building.

Vitamins Overdose

Moderate dose of vitamins are very essential for proper functioning of the body and sharp brain. It works as panacea for the diseases but in the same it can be critical if it is taken in excessive amount. It can make the people victim of many kinds like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, body cramps anemia, improper digestion system, and skin related problems and also cause heart attack which may lead to death. So vitamins are boon if it is taken in a moderate way but it can be curse if it is overdosed. Side effects of Overdose of Vitamins
There are some health problems due to excessive dose ofvitamin D. High level of calcium decreasing in blood which can be serious cause for the body which results in unbalanced blood pressure and stomach related problems. Some elements in the body can cause the disorder of the organs. Nausea, vomiting, poor appetite body cramps constipation and loss of weight also the problems of over use of vitamins. High blood pressure, improper heart beating is also under come in the irregular doses of vitamin which increases risk of heart attack. Kidney stone and malfunction of gall bladder, excessive production of urine are also the cause of over doses of vitamin. An overdose of Vitamin D for pregnant women can be harmful for the mental or physical growth of infants. The overdose also increases body pain, muscular weakness, tiredness nervousness, Excessive thirst, dehydration, headache, Deafness, Itching.

Side effects of overdose of vitamin E

Diseases like restlessness fatigue, weakness nausea, depreciation in energy level, headache, thyroid gland swelling, constipation problems, and improper kidney function and abdominal problems are the causes of over dose of vitamin.

Side effects of over dose of vitamin c

Kidney stones, vitamin b-12 deficiency, lack of copper elements and need for oxygen are the major cause for over dose of vitamin c. Ulcer, bloating on whole body, strong urine smells and malfunctions of digestion system is the cause of overdose of vitamin E.

Side effects of the overdose of vitamin A

The overdose of vitamin A makes the whole body yellowish and there are the threats of being the victim of jaundice, hair loss, damage of internal organs like lever, upset stomach, dry and cracking of skin are also take place with the overdose of vitamin A.
Side effects of overdose of vitamin B is the excessive use of vitamin B can cause high or low blood pressure, skin rashes, anemia, fatigue and kidney disease and lung related problem.

Protection from the over doses of vitamins

Always take the vitamins capsules, tablets and supplements under the supervision of the doctors. If someone takes any vitamin tablet or capsule and suffers from nausea, vomiting, unbalanced blood pressure or improper heart beating so he/she should stop taking vitamins tablets and consult with the doctors immediately. Try to get vitamins from natural resources like vegetables, food grain, dairy products and fish and eggs to avoid the overdose of vitamins.
It is always instructed by the doctors that vitamins are somewhere in favor not always and vitamin play a vital role for the proper functioning of the human body and brain. In fact, the overdose of vitamins can be harmful and may lead to some serious health related problems and contain some side effects. Vitamins are food supplements which contain synthetic elements, minerals and microelements which can be very dangerous if it is overdosed.

Vitamin Sources

Vitamin A comes in the form of retinyl palmitate easily available in beef, chicken liver, calf, cod liver oil, dairy products like yogurt, cottage cheese, butter, milk etc. Vegetable source which are cholesterol and fat free are carrots, sweet potatoes, pink grapefruit, broccoli, leafy vegetables etc.
Vitamin B1 is found in poultry, meats, whole grain cereals, legumes etc. A small amount of thiamine is also found in almost all foodstuffs but a large amount can be found in organ meat and pork. Foods that have a low content of thiamine are white rice, sugar, soft drinks, ice creams etc.
Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin can be found in a number of sources like milk, liver and milk products. Other sources are oysters, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, avocados, salmon etc. Nori seaweed is a rich source of riboflavin.
Niacin (Vitamin B3) can be found in nuts, lean meat, dairy products, fish, eggs, poultry etc. Legumes, cereals also contain Niacin. Other sources of Vitamin B3 are beets, beef liver, beef kidney, turkey, chicken, fish etc. Plant sources of this is corn, wheat, niacin etc.
Vitamin B5 can be found in organ meats, eggs, fish, lobsters, soybeans, lentils, milk, avocado, sweet potatoes etc. The main source being eggs, fishes, whole grain breads, legumes, cereals etc. Fresh vegetables like cauliflower, lean beef, white and sweet potatoes, tomatoes etc.
Vitamin B6 can be found in grains, liver, spinach, bananas. The highest level can be found in carrots, eggs, fish, meat, spinach etc. Food rich in this is white meat, liver, whole-grain breads, vegetables etc. This vitamin is sensitive to UV rays so most of it is lost while cooking.
Vitamin B12 - Found in all natural products. Animal products are the main source. Rich sources are liver, cottage cheese, eggs etc. Plant foods are devoid of this vitamin.
Vitamin B17 or Amygdalin is available in seeds of apple, peach, orange, cherry, apricot etc. Also found in beans, grasses e.g. wheat grass etc. Almonds, lima beans are also rich source of this vitamin.
Inositol can be found in animal and plant sources, Natural source being wheat germ, banana, brown rice, oak flakes, vegetables, raisins etc. In plant it is found in a combination with 6 phosphates which are referred to as anti-nutrients or phytic acid.
Carnitine is found in animal products like meat and dairy products. Also found in fishes, fermented soybeans, asparagus, peanut butter etc. Cereals, vegetables and fruits are devoid of this.
PABA is found in eggs, molasses, bran, brewer’s yeast etc. Dietary sources are bran, wheat germ, mushrooms, blackstrap molasses, leafy vegetables etc. It is also biosynthesized by the intestinal bacteria’s and help in the metabolic activities of the body.
Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables like asparagus, green and red peppers, cauliflower, yams, squash etc.
Vitamin D - Sunlight is the best source apart from this milk, cheese, liver, salmon; eggs, mushrooms etc are also sources of vitamin D.
Vitamin E a rich source found in fatty acids, vegetable oils, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables oils, corn oil, peanut oil, animal fats like butter, lard etc.
Biotin found in beans, brewer’s yeast, chocolate, dairy products, oysters, poultry, oatmeal, egg yolk, mushrooms, peanuts, bananas etc.
Alpha-lipoic acid is synthesized by both plants and animals. Nimal tissues are yet another rich source of lipoyllysine which can be found in kidney, liver, heart and in plants like spinach, tomatoes and broccoli etc.
Vitamin K is found in vegetables like spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts etc. Leafy vegetables are a rich source of this.
Folic acid is also found in leafy vegetables like spinach, legumes, brewer’s yeast etc. Other sources are root vegetables, whole grains, bulgur wheat, white beans, milk etc.

Vitamin Deficiencies

What are vitamins?

Vitamins have a vital role to play in maintaining a good health. They assist in the proper functioning of the metabolism of your body. They also assist in other bodily functions like blood cells, hormones etc.

What is the role played by these vitamins?

Vitamins play a role of a catalyst as they are known to combine with the proteins in the body to create enzymes which are metabolically active.
Vitamin A - Helps in the proper functioning of your immune system. Deficiencies are found in children, pregnant women and also in lactating mothers. Deficiency leads to visual impairment, blindness, measles in children and in some severe cases can lead to deaths.
Vitamin B1 - Thiamin is used to help burn carbohydrates to generate energy for metabolic activities. Deficiency can lead to loss of appetite, chronic constipation, poor digestion, depression, weight loss, insomnia, cramps, decrease in the heartbeats, exhaustion etc. This deficiency can be due to alcohol, liver dysfunction, kidney dialysis etc.
Vitamin B2 - This is a water soluble vitamin which is used to activate vitamin B6 and folic acid; it is also used to process amino acids and fats in the body, helps burn carbohydrates into energy. Riboflavin deficiency is due to poor diet and can lead to abnormal sensitivity to sunlight, burning and itching in the eyes, mouth sores, cracked lips etc.
Vitamin B3 - Helps to release energy in the body by burning carbohydrates. Common ailments associated with niacin deficiency are disorders of the digestive system, skin ailments, nervous system and sometimes death. Deficiency is due to alcoholism and poor diet.
Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic acid is one of the most essential vitamins for the growth of the human body it helps in the proper functioning of the reproductive organs. Deficiency can lead to nutritional deficiency known as Kwashiorkor or marasmus. It can lead to insomnia, vomiting, stomach cramps, respiratory tract infections, depression etc.
Vitamin B6 - Helps in the proper functioning of the immune system, the central nervous system, protein metabolism etc. Deficiency is due to poor absorption of the nutrients in the intestine. This could be due to certain drug allergies, genetic disorders etc, lead to skin ailments, mental imbalance etc and in rare cases kidney failures.
Folic acid is required for the replication of the cell growth; there is an increase in folic acid during pregnancy, breastfeeding, cancerous growth etc. Deficiency can lead to premature graying of hairs, glossitis, ulcers or the mouth, peptic and diarrhea, in chronic cases it can lead to anemia.
Vitamin B12 - Helps maintain the platelets as well as the white and red blood cell count, metabolic activities of the body for proper cell growth. Deficiency leads to decrease in the level of blood production; there is an increase in the destruction of the cells, anemia, imbalance, dementia and loss of sensation.
Vitamin C an antioxidant helps in the growth and development of the connective tissues, biosynthesis of the neurotransmitters, healing power etc. Deficiency leads to scurvy in adults, under hydroxylation of proline and lysine which causes breakdown in the protein collagen which is essential for connective tissues etc.
Vitamin D - fat soluble vitamin helps maintain the calcium level in the blood along with phosphorus. Deficiency leads to osteomalacia in adults and in rickets in children.
Vitamin E - another antioxidant helpful in protecting cell membrane. Deficiency leads to prevention of absorption of soluble fats nutrients, proper functioning of the central nervous system, loss of body reflexes etc.
Vitamin K helps in the easy blood clotting and carboxylation of the osteocalcin. Deficiency leads to hemorrhagic diseases, epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, menorrhagia etc.

VitaminDosageFunctionsNatural Sources
Vitamin ARetinol and/orBeta Carotene5000 - 50,000 IUHelps build healthy eyes, required for growth and bone development.Beta Caroteneis a good antioxidant. Helps healing of infections.Carrots, yams, pumpkins, yellow or orange fruits, beet greens, fish, eggs, tuna
Vitamin B1Thiamine25 - 300mgHelps in carbohydrate metabolism and energy production. Required for normal nerve function.Whole grains, rice bran, lean meats, fresh peas, beans, wheat germ, oranges, poultry, fish, enriched pastas
Vitamin B2Riboflavin25 - 300mgHelps in production of energy from foods and the formation of red blood cells.Fortified grains & cereals, leafy green vegetables, poultry, fish, yogurt, milk, cheese
Vitamin B3Niacin25 - 300mgAssists in release of energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins; helps promote healthy skin.Fortified breads and cereals, brewer's yeast, broccoli, carrots, cheese, dandelion greens, dates, eggs, fish, milk peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes, tuna, veal, beef liver, chicken breast
Vitamin B5Pantothenic Acid10 - 300 mgHelps release energy from foods; required for synthesis of many substances.Lean meats, whole grain cereals, fish, legumes
Vitamin B62 - 300 mgEssential forprotein metabolism and nervous system function; participates in synthesis of hormones and red blood cells.Whole grain breads and cereals, fish, chicken, bananas
Vitamin B9 Folic Acid400 - 1,200 mcgEssential for red blood cell formation and synthesis of DNA and proteinFortified cereals, pinto beans, navy beans, green leafy vegetables, beef, brown rice, bran, cheese, lamb, liver, milk, mushrooms, oranges, split peas, pork, tuna, whole grains
Vitamin B12Cyanocobalamin25 - 500 mgHelps maintain healthy nervous system, required for normal growth and for production of red blood cells. Helps breakdown fatty acids.Ham, clams, cooked oysters, king crab, herring, salmon, tuna, lean beef, liver, low fat diary products
Vitamin C60 - 5,000 mgRequired for formation of connective tissue, bones and teeth; assists in utilization of other vitamins, acts as an antioxidant.Citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, melons, peppers, collards, dandelion greens, onions, radishes, watercress
Vitamin D400 - 800 IUAides in normal bone growth and tooth function; facilitates calcium and phosphorus absorption.Sun exposure, sardines, salmon, fortified milk, fortified cereals, herring, liver, tuna, margarine, cod liver oil
Vitamin E30- 1,200 IUAs an antioxidant it protects body cells and helps maintain normal red blood cells.Whole grains, wheat germ, nuts, spinach, sunflower seeds
Vitamin H Biotin0.3 - 1 mgAssists in metabolism of carbohydrates and synthesis of fats and proteins.Legumes, nuts
Vitamin K80 mcgEssential in the blood clotting process.Green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower