Boron - Benefits, Deficiency and Food Source
Boron is a trace mineral that is needed by the body in minute amount. It was discovered in 1910 as an essential element for plants but after a scientific research in 1985 it was observed that it is one of the essential elements for human beings too. The basic utility of boron is for the proper functioning of brain and healthy bones.
Since the discovery of boron, it was not popular about its importance in daily diet. In the beginning healing boric salt was used by healers in memorizing, coordination and to improve the functioning of brain. As mineral boron started to gained more attention, as an activating agent. Boron is very important for various life functions.
Boron helps to regulate the level of various other salt such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, as these salts are necessary for bone health. Boron helps in repairing calcium of brittle bones hence preventing them from getting fractured. Boron also plays a vital role in preventingosteoporosis.
Boron plays a major role in preventing osteoporosis by reducing the loss of calcium and magnesium in urine, as these are responsible for building and maintaining strongbones. Boron elevates the level of serum, estrogen and calcium especially in women suffering from osteoporosis. It is essential for maintaining cells for the normal functioning of cell. It has been studied that deficiency of boron causes impair mental functioning and depressed mental alertness.
Sources of Boron
Foods that contain boron are pears, apples, raisins, prunes, and tomatoes. Boron is sometimes found in soil and drinking water of arid climate. It is also included in various vitamins and mineral supplements.
Benefits of Boron
Boron is also important in the function of repairing joints and hence in prevention of arthritis. It also helps in prevention from tooth decay. It functions to regulate the level of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous not only helps in maintaining strong bones but also in keeping teeth strong.
Boron is also involved in body metabolism which helps to regulate hormones. It regulates the level of testosterone in men which helps in maintaining muscle. It regulates the level of estrogen by converting it into vitamin D which in turn increases calcium absorption. It is required to strengthen bones and prevention from fractures. Boron also affects memory and brain function so that proper transfer of nutrient can take place throughout the body.
Deficiency symptoms of Boron
As boron is required in various body processes thus deficiency of it may result in various health problems. The major symptoms that amount to deficiency of boron are problem with bone health, depression, inability to handle stress, tooth decay, mental stress, pain in muscle & joints, arthritis, receding gums etc.
Symptoms of high intake
The symptoms of high intake include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, rash and circulatory problems. In extreme cases its toxicity may lead to shock followed by coma.
Daily Requirement
There is however no particular amount of intake is set up but 3mg of Boron may prove sufficient to maintain proper health. It may be noted that consumption over 100mg may prove toxic.
Calcium - Benefits, Deficiency and Food Source
Calcium is the most abundantly present mineral in our body which is mainly present in bones of the body. It is used to provide strength and stability to the whole system. A small quantity of calcium is also present in blood to prevent haemorrhages. It mainly constitutes 1.5-2 percent of the whole body weight of an adult. There is a dynamic equilibrium between calcium present in blood vessels and in skeleton.
Calcium is also present in plasma in three forms. There is about 40 percent calcium present in plasma membrane as non-diffusible form in combination with plasma proteins. About 10 percent of calcium is present in diffusible form incell membrane but combines with other mineral to get ionized. The remaining 50 percent is present as both non-diffusible and ionized form.
Sources of calcium
Calcium is mostly present in milk and milk products namely cheese, curd, egg, fish etc. There is about 1200mg of calcium present in a liter of cow’s milk and 300mg in human milk. Calcium occurs in milk as carcinogen which is readily consumed by our body. The cheapest sources of calcium are green leafy vegetables, cereals, and millets. The oxalic acid present in green leafy vegetables’ forms an insoluble compound as calcium ragi which is a rich source of calcium.
Calcium is also present in peas, potatoes, soybeans and lentils. It is also present in good amount in fruit like sitaphal. Drinking water is also a source of calcium it provides about 200mg per day. A healthy and well balanced diet definitely amounts to all the necessary amount of minerals needed by our body. A definite amount of calcium present in ones body not only keeps them strong but also guards various diseases in later life.
Benefits of calcium
Ionized calcium present in plasma has many important functions such as formation of bones, coagulation of blood, cardiac action, contraction of muscles, milk production etc. it keeps the cell membrane intact for the metabolism of hormones and enzymes. It also transforms light into electrical impulses in retina.
In bones two minerals calcium and phosphorous are required to provide strength and firmness to the skeleton. This is the reason these two minerals are required and exchanged in proportion between blood and skeleton. Calcium is very important for young mothers especially during pregnancy and children for their rapid growth.
It acts best with
In the body both calcium phosphorous together with vitamin D are required for maintaining body framework deficiency of any of these may result in serious problems. In children it is known as rickets and osteomalacia in adults. Absorption of calcium is regulated by vitamin D and is decreased by the presence of phytates, oxalates’ etc.
Deficiency syndromes
There are no disease as such evolved yet due to deficiency of calcium but for the deficiency of vitamin D the problem like rickets, osteomalacia arises. When the calcium level is reduced in the body cramp pain is felt especially in larger muscles of legs.
In infants suffering from rickets they tend to be restless in nights. Deficiency of calcium also results in tetany which causes seizure because of increasing excitably in the brain.
Daily requirements
A daily intake of 400-500mg is suggested for an adult and more amount is physiologically is needed by children and young mothers.
Effects of excessive intake
When the level of calcium rises up above the normal level the nervous system is depressed and reflex activities become sluggish. Decrease in calcium ion causes constipation, lack of appetites, and contraction of muscle walls.
Chromium Information
Chromium is a chemical element. It is represented by Cr. It comes in group 6 with atomic number 24.It is steely-gray in color. Chromium is a tasteless, neutral and compliant element. The word Chromium is derived from Greek word “Chroma” which means color. Chromium was discovered by Louis Nicolas Vauquelin in 1797. Chromium is used for producing dye. Chromium is a hard element, so it is used for making stainless steel. Chromium has magnetic properties. It converts into paramagnetic at the room temperature. Chromium is an important mineral which is needed by thehuman body for working. Total percentage of chromium is very less in human body which is approximately 6 mg.
Chromium plays an important role in the liver amalgamation of burn fats. It helps to regulate metabolism, insulin and sugar levels in blood. Chromium improves insulin routine and glucose consumption. It also helps in caring proteins. Chromium is obtained by corn oil, cloves, whole graincereals, meat and brewer’s yeast. The major part of chromium is obtained by dietary sources. The largest producer of Chromium is South Africa having 44%. India is the second largest producers of Chromium having 18%. There are so many other countries that produce Chromium in fewer amounts, such as Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, Iran, Finland and Brazil. Approximately 4.4 million metric tons of money-making Chromium were produced in 2000 and converted into 3.3 million tons of Ferro chrome with having the cost of 2.5 billion U.S. dollars.
Sources of Chromium
Corn oil, cloves, whole grain cereals, meal and brewer’s yeast are the natural sources of Chromium. There are so many other food items which contained a large amount of Chromium.
Some are as follows:-
- 1 cup Broccoli – 22 mcg
- ½ cup orange juice- 1 mcg
- 2 cups of crushed potatoes- 6 mcg
- 2 cup of green beans- 2 mcg
- 4 slices of whole grain bread- 4 mcg
Benefits of Chromium
Chromium is very useful element for human body. There are so many benefits which are provided by Chromium .Some are as follows:-
- It enhances the performance of insulin and utilization of glucose.
- It helps to carry proteins.
- It helps to prevent low and high blood pressure.
- It helps to prevent hardening of arteries.
Deficiency Symptoms of Chromium
There are a number of diseases which can happen in the human body due to the less supply of Chromium. Some are as follows:-
Anxiety: - Anxiety is a psychological stage. It can create feeling of fear or worry.
Hyperactivity: - Hyperactivity is the stage in which a person acts abnormally.
Depression: - Depression is described as low mood.
Diabetes: - It is a group of diseases in which a person has high blood sugar.
High Blood Cholesterol: - It is the diseases in which a person has suffer with high levels of cholesterol.
Daily Requirement
There is no RDA level for Chromium which is needs to supply in human body. But it is necessary for human body to avoid the diseases.
Iodine - Information and Benefits of Iodine
Iodine is one of the most important nutritional supplements for the human body, Iodine is essential for the normal growth and development. Iodine is important for maintaining the body temperature and it helps in the conditioning of hair, skin, teeth and nails. Iodine affects the body and health through its interactions with the thyroid gland. Most of Iodine of body is stored in the hormones of the thyroid gland. Iodine is used in medical treatment as tincture and Iodioform. It is used in the preparation of certain drugs and in the manufacture of some printing inks and dyes. It is also an ingredient of water purification tablets that are used for drinking water preparation.
Sources of Iodine
Among the many different sources of iodine, the most convenient and easily available source is salt. Iodine can be found naturally in air, water and soil. Iodine is the component of bread, sea fish and oceanic plants. Iodine is naturally present in the ocean and some sea fish and water plants store it in their tissues.
Food Sources of Iodine
1) For Non-vegetarians:
- Salmon
- Tuna
- Haddock
- Perch
- Cod
- Sea Bass
- Herring
- Table salt fortified with iodine
2) For Vegetarians:
- Kelp
- Seaweed
- Dairy products and milk (from cows that graze on iodine rich soil)
- Table salt fortified with iodine
High salt foods are not a good sources of iodine such as chips, commercially baked goods (cakes, pastries etc), and processed food stuffs. In spite of having high in salt such products are not containing iodized salt. Iodine supplements are also good sources of iodine.
Benefits of Iodine
The benefits of Iodine are; Iodine is a building material of thyroid hormones that are essential for growth, the nervous system and the metabolism, it can help thyromegaly, hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid), fibrocystic diseases, and explore to radiation.
The condition of hair, skin, nails and teeth can be improved with the proper amount of iodine.
The condition of hair, skin, nails and teeth can be improved with the proper amount of iodine.
Deficiency Symptoms of Iodine
A deficiency of Iodine can negatively affect the health and functioning of the body. These issues may appear when a person has inadequate amounts of iodine. The person's thyroid may enlarge and the condition is known as a goiter. In this situation, the neck and/or voice box may also become inflamed. This issue is most commonly caused by a deficiency of iodine (on a worldwide basis).
Cretinism can also appear as an iodine deficiency symptom. It involves small growth in a physical sense as well as impaired mental abilities. The individual's stomach may stick out.
Weight gain is another issue that may appear as iodine deficiency symptoms.
Symptoms of Overdose of Iodine
There is little risk of iodine overdose, even at least 10 to 20 times the RDA. However, if human get 30 times the RDA; one is likely to experience a metallic taste, mouth sores, swollen salivary glands, and diarrhea, vomiting, headache, a rash, and difficulty in breathing. Ironically, a goiter can also develop if person consistently take extremely large amounts of iodine.
Magnesium - Information, Benefits and Food Sources
For healthy bones you need magnesium in your body. Generally an adult male contains about 25 gms of magnesium, and about 50% of it comes from the bones. It is a necessary ingredient for calcium and potassium processing of the body. If you are running low on magnesium then you might suffer from liver cirrhosis and pregnancy toxemia. Alcoholics also run the chance of magnesium deficiency in their body. You would feel irritable, suffer from hyperreflexia and tetany hyperreflexia if you run short of it, and you need about 200-300 mg everyday.Sources of Magnesium
You would find spinach to be a great source of magnesium, and beans and peas are also a good source of it. Generally the chlorophyll in green vegetables has magnesium in them. Also some seeds and nuts and whole grains contain a lot of magnesium in them. However, when you process whole grains and polish them your average magnesium content falls low. So whole wheat flour is better than white flour, and you can also find magnesium in tap water, if your local water supply is rich in magnesium, and is hard water. The magnesium gets absorbed in the small intestine.Distribution
Magnesium distribution is seen in the blood, where in plasma magnesium gets absorbed 2.5 mgm, in whole blood 3 mgm, and 3.5 mgm in the red blood corpuscles in every 100 ml of it. Magnesium is generally found in the blood cells.In the bones 70 % of magnesium is present, in your muscles about 0.02%, and about 01. gm to 0.2 gm is excreted via urine and a large part is excreted through feces.
Benefits of Magnesium
Magnesium helps with teeth and bone formation. It sets off enzymes and helps the growth of bone phosphates. It also takes part in muscle tightening equation, and helps muscle phosphates. You would generally find Magnesium and Calcium ions in opposite poles, as they are antagonistic to each other.Deficiency symptoms of Magnesium
If you are magnesium deficient, then you can suffer from problems in the vascular region, convulsions, hyper excitement and you might die as a result. You might also vomit too much and too often that can cause magnesium deficit. If you lose it too much, you might suffer from weakness of the body and you might get fatigued and your body can go numb and get cramps. Your heart can suddenly change rhythms and you can be flushed and sick. In this case consult a doctor before proceeding.Who need more?
Some people need more who are on drugs like antibiotics and diuretics, diabetics and people on cancer medication. Also alcoholics should take more magnesium in their system. Crohn’s disease and gluten sensitive enteropathy along with regional enteritis can lose magnesium in the body. Also if you have low blood potassiumand calcium level, you might be suffering from magnesium deficiency.Symptoms of high intake
If you are having too much of magnesium chances are you might get diarrheayou’re your stomach might cramp up suddenly. Also, if you are having really high amounts of it you run the chances of kidney failure and your appetite may desert you. You might also suffer from low blood pressure.Daily requirement
Generally you need about 200-350 mg of magnesium everyday.Phosphorus - Benefits and Sources of Phosphorus
One of the most easily found mineral in your body is Phosphorus, and you get about 85 per cent of it in the bones of your body. You get some in the blood as well, and in the cells of your body as well as your important organs like kidneys, your heart, muscles, brain and lungs, and it is used there for several purposes. To create strong bones you need phosphorus, and your teeth. Every individual cell in your body uses phosphorus to run smoothly.Phosphorus is the second most important mineral after calcium, and it should be taken in a good amount so that your body keeps itself healthy. Generally phosphorus works with calcium, and generally you would find a 2:1 ratio between calcium and phosphorus. Generally you ca use it to better your own body. If you do not have phosphorus then your body might run a chance of getting rickets, which is abone problem. Phosphorus is also used to treat problems like bone fractures, and it strengthens the membranes of the cells, and help other nutrients and hormones to function properly.
For a set of healthy nerves and metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, along with proper functioning of the kidneys, along with the production of energy phosphorus is an element which comes in handy. It is needed by all muscles to work, and without it we cannot do even the most basic manual work in our life.
Sources of phosphorus
One of the major sources of phosphorus is milk. It is also available in seafood and tuna, and in different kinds of meat and cheese. You can also find it in milk products like yoghurt, butter and American cheese. Pork and hamburger, peanut butter, peanuts, sunflower seeds, shredded wheat, white bread, whole wheat bread, rice, corn, potatoes, peas, broccoli, milk chocolate and soda pops are all sources of this mineral.Benefits of phosphorus
This mineral is a star player in virtually all chemical body reactions. It does a lot of work and more than most other minerals. This is a mineral required for the maintaining of your body, and for cell repair, and to produce energy. Nerve impulses and contraction of the muscles are needed by phosphorus because it provides energy and it helps in genetic growth and transfer. It also helps use fatty acids and fats, and helps maintain the pH balance in your blood. It also induces the release of hormones. It builds a strong skeleton in your body and maintains your tooth enamel, and gums. It also induces strong heartbeat and repairs the body by providing high energy and metabolic rates. You can give it to a burn victim to repair them, and cancer patients benefit from it.Deficiency symptoms of phosphorus
If you are deficient of phosphorus, you will suffer from weakness, lose your appetite, suffer from stiffness and pains in the joint, have lower energy. You will be confused and your teeth will decay and crumble up. Rickets is one of the major diseases due to phosphorus deficiency, along with arthritis.Symptoms of high intake
If you have it too much your calcium absorption might get affected.Daily requirement
You generally need about 1000 mg of it every day.Potassium - Information, Benefits and Sources of Potassium
This is one of the most easily found mineral in your body. It is known as an electrolyte. You would find about 150 gms of it in your body, and most of the potassium is found in your muscles. This is needed to balance out a lot of much-needed works that the body must do everyday to keep itself going. Your body needs potassium to aid in the muscular tightening and it is needed to keep up the correct fluid level in the body, along with balancing off the electrolytes in your body. It is needed to keep up your heart and steady it. This aids in lowering high pressure in the blood, and aids in the results of medicines which are antihypertensive. You can also reduce stress with potassium. Also sugar, coffee and alcohol lower the levels of potassium in your body. It helps in reducing your nervous impulses and helps the body to turn glucose to energy, and it is in turn kept on by the muscles and your liver. When blood is stored at a temperature to 2-4 degree Celsius then potassium migrates into the plasma, therefore inducing the concentration of potassium. This if injected on another human being might cause serious problems. The adrenal cortex controls potassium metabolism, by regulating the metabolism of sodium in the body. Out of this, 2-3 gms of it is removed via the urine everyday, and if potassium is taken less, the kidney absorbs what comes in. If you are fasting or are on a high meat diet, then the excretion quantity rises. If you are suffering from stones in your kidneys, then increased rates of potassium might actually help you.Sources of potassium
You can find this mineral in broccoli, tomato, potato, watercress, carrots, celery, raisins, banana, oranges, chicken, prunes, watermelon, orange juice, milk and all milk products, sunflower seeds, cantaloupe, fish, lamb, pork and bran cereal among many.Benefits of potassium
You need potassium to grow your muscles, increase the activity of your heart, build up your muscles, and transmit nervous impulses. It aids in mental clarity by increasing oxygen levels to the brain. It lowers blood pressure and reduces chances of heart problems, decreases body allergic reactions, reduces arthritis pains, and helps with muscle contractions. It also helps the nervous system.Deficiency symptoms of potassium
If you are suffering from Potassium deficiency then you can get weakness in the body, your heartbeat might alter and you might suffer from a heart failure too. Your body might show symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. The heart muscles might get scarred and paralyzed. You can also suffer from sterility and bone fragility.Symptom of high intake
People with kidney problem should have it with doctor’s permission. Nausea and heartbeat problem are common issues of high intake.When more is needed
You need more when you are eating too much salt. Also if you are dehydrated and are losing a lot of fluid from the body, you should have more potassium. Also if you are on laxatives, or consuming huge amount of caffeine or alcohol, you should consume this in large amounts.Daily requirement
You generally need about 3500 mg everyday and it is recommended you have about 1875-5625 mg per day.Sodium - Information, Benefits and Sources of Sodium
Generally present in most foods, Sodium is majorly found in salt and it is added to a lot of different kinds of food where flavor enhancement is needed. In extracellular substance, sodium is mostly found. It is removed from the body via the urine and if the intake of the product is low then the kidney helps absorb the amount necessary for the body to survive.With potassium, this mineral mingles to keep up the movement of water through the body and individual blood pressure. It is also needed to maintain a basic balance between the acids in the body and betterment of your nerves and their impulses. You would also find it in the bones of your body, and your saliva and other enzymes often carry this.
When you sweat, sodium is removed from the body. You also feel dehydrated and exhausted if you do not have it enough. Generally sodium mixes with chloride to keep up a steady flow of both negative and positive particles in your body and it is needed to hold water in the tissues of your body.
Sources of sodium
Generally about 75 % of the total amount of food processed in the US has got Sodium added to it. About 15 % of it comes from discretionary salt, and some amount (10 %) of sodium is present in food itself. Some food contains sodium in quite a healthy amount but they are not taken as salted food. This includes cereal flakes and other foodstuff like that. Also, it is found in soy sauce and salt, and brined food like preserved olives, smoked meat, salty snacks, stock or consommé cubes, soup powders and cans, and sauces which are bottled and processed.Benefits of sodium
You need sodium to regulate your blood pressure together with chloride and potassium. You would find it regulating the balance between acid and alkali in your body. You would also find it influential when it comes to the transmission of nerves and the contraction of muscles. If a person is suffering from problems like muscular cramps, fever, dehydration and diarrhea, then this can aid in the cure. The mineral helps with both bicarbonate and chloride to create a unique balance between the ions in the body, and it also keeps soluble minerals stable in the blood and helps with the adrenal impulses.Deficiency symptoms of sodium
When you do not get enough sodium in your body, you can get severely dehydrated, which is usually caused by heat that induces sweating. You might feel weak, and suffer from cramps in your muscles and vomit often. In this case, taking table salt in yout food is a good way to begin fighting the problem. Sometimes it can cause low blood pressure and induce shock.Symptoms of high intake
Eating too much of it can lead to hypertension and retention of water in the body. However, it is mostly not harmful for the body because most of it is taken out via the urinary system.Daily requirement
Generally you need about 120 mg every day for an infant, while children under the age of ten and adults should have about 500 mg minimum. You can actually have about 7.5 gms of sodium every day in your healthy diet. However, if you have high blood pressure, consult your doctor before taking.Sulfur - Information, Benefits and Sources of Sulfur
Of all the materials that go into the body, sulfur is needed greatly because it is a helpful and soothing mineral. It helps the cells remove toxins from them by agitating them, and it aids in the reactions of the enzymes and in the synthesis of protein. It is needed for the breathing of the cells. It is a mineral which has a bond that is flexible enough to connect the cells, and it lubricates different joints. You can be affected by irritated skin and can develop rashes if sulfur is deficit in the body. Also, the cells might stop regenerating and your body can suffer from muscular problems and issues of the bones.The nerve ends of our body are protected by the myelin sheath. Sulfur apparently can cure and aid in regenerating them. The circulation of your blood can increase, and your muscles feel and look better, and sulfur kills off free radicalsand gives an added glow to the skin. Sulfur is also needed for the processing of carbohydrates into energy, and it aids in the healing of open wounds. You generally store sulfur in your liver, brain, nerves and your belly, and all the rest of your body, most importantly in your nails, skin and hair. You would also find it in different glycoproteins, like mucin. Several enzymes like lipase, rennin, and different phosphates have sulfur in them. Also the insulin hormone is a compound of sulfur itself.
To build the proteins in your tissues, inorganic sulfates are rarely used. They are rather purged off the body via your urine and feces. Generally the amino acid containing sulfur has two major functions to play. Most importantly it helps create the proteins in thee tissue and to synthesize a few compounds of sulfur. Also, these acids totally diminish thecell structure and bring out the sulfur from within which is then used in the liver to create sulfuric acid. The amount of sulfur you get from breaking down proteins is excreted as well, but as a neutral compound.
Sources of sulfur
You ca get sulfur in things like egg yolks, kale, meat, garlic, cabbage, onion, cauliflower, cranberries and horseradish.Benefits of sulfur
To keep up the harness of the body with a bit of elasticity in several parts of the body like your nails, hair, etc, and is one of the major ingredients in making an amino acid called methionine. Taurine gives taurochloric acid which is found in bile that is also a sulfur product. Generally sulfur is needed for oxidation in the body and carrying oxygen to all parts of the body. Also sulfur is used to detoxify certain substances that are toxic. It also helps in clotting of intravascular systems.Deficiency symptoms of sulfur
You can suffer from the following diseases if you have sulfur deficiency – Asthma,arthritis, acne, migraines, infection, muscle pain, stress, back pain, dry skin and problems with the skin, problems in the urinary tract and circulation of blood, muscle problems, free radical problems, weakness, inflammation and early wrinkles.
Zinc - Benefits, Deficiency and Food Source
The word Zinc is obtained from German word Zink. It is also known as spelter which is a metallic chemical element. Zinc is the first element of periodic table in group 12.The only common oxidation of Zinc is +2 (Zn++) which is so similar to magnesium. Zinc has five isotopes. Australia, Asia and The United States are the main depositor of Zinc. Zinc is discovered by a German Chemist Andreas Sigismund Marggraf in 1746. It is represented as Zn. In 1800 Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta discovered the electro chemical properties of Zinc. Zinc is used as common compound for different purpose. For example Zinc Carbonate and Zinc Gluconate are used as dietary supplement.
Zinc is an essential mineral for the health of human body. Zinc plays a wide range for functioning of human body and it is present in whole body. It is helpful in curing of wounds. It plays an important role in making healthy skin. Human body contains about 2-3g of Zinc. There is no specific storage place for Zinc in human body. A man needs more Zinc than Woman. The recommended amount of Zinc for Adult man is 1/3 time higher than woman.
Sources of Zinc
Zinc is present in a wide range of foods. A huge amount of Zinc is provided by Protein foods. A vegetarian contains less amount of Zinc than a non vegetarian because meat contains plenty of Zinc. Dairy products, bean, yeast, nuts and seeds are other sources of Zinc.
Benefits of Zinc
Zinc plays an important role in human body. There are so many benefits of Zinc. Some are as follows:-
- Zinc plays an important role in growth of cell.
- Zinc is mixed up in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and energy.
- It is necessary for healthy immune system.
- It is helpful in fighting from skin problems.
- Zinc plays an important role in sexual development.
Deficiency of Zinc
Deficiency of Zinc causes so many diseases. Some are as follows:-
Night Blindness - Night blindness is a poor vision at night.
Loss of Smell - It is also known as Anosmia. Under this disease functioning of olfaction is not working in a proper way.
Falling hair - The other name of this disease is Baldmess. A person has no hair on his head who is suffering from this disease.
White Spots - White Spots or Eczema is a skin disease in which a person has white spots on his body.
Symptoms of High Intake
If someone takes a large amount of Zinc, it can be harmful for his immune system. Eating of Zinc in a large amount is the cause of nausea, diarrhea and drowsiness.
When more is needed
A person who has the consumer of alcohol must needed Zinc in a large amount. Woman who is taking a birth control pill should also consider their Zinc eating.
Daily Requirement
Zinc is a reference supplement for eating. In the case of microelement the amount is very small although it is still important.